MYLAPS X2 Race Control at SMSP
X2 Race Control is a fully integrated solution to control all the action happening on the track, using real-time data (GPS location, vehicle data) to help raise the safety of our personnel and our racers.
This integrated solution combining track tracing, monitoring, lights and timing will be rolled out over 2023 at Sydney Motorsport Park.
VIDEO: An introduction to using the MYLAPS control unit for officials at SMSP.
A training video for ARDC officials using the system at SMSP.
Want to become a Race Official and get up close to all the cars, the stars, and the action of Motorsport?
Have you ever sat watching F1 or V8 Supercars and thought “how do those lucky guys and gals get to be so close to the action?” It is actually a lot easier than you might think to get yourself trackside, and there are so many places it can take you.
Try one of our ARDC Startline Days – a FREE information day for aspiring officials, which takes place behind the scenes at one of our ARDC events. Find out just how easy it is to get involved in motorsport today.
Our STARTLINE Programmes for 2020 are normally scheduled during the ARDC’s rounds of the CAMS NSW Supersprint Championship at Sydney Motorsport Park, but we run them throughout the Season if we have the need.
1100 Accreditation Check-in at Gate A to collect your VIP Parking Pass.
1130 Sign-in, welcome and introduction
1140 Introduction of Chief Senior Officials and overview of the day. Each will explain their particular area of officiating, personal history and accomplishments.
1200 – 1245 Lunch
1300 Area Tours commence.
1500 Informative “Workshop Session” and “How To” talk.
Attendees given a Startline Pack with info to progress further.
OR, email us for more information.
Inaugural ARDC Motorsport Forum, Feb 2020

Saturday February 29th, the ‘Stolen Day’, was the day the inaugural ARDC Motorsport Forum was held.
This Forum was aimed at Motorsport Officials not only from ARDC, but officials and interested parties from invited clubs that hire SMSP. BMW Owners Club, HSRCA, MGCC all had members come along and join in.
The main aim of the day was to encourage those sitting on the fence to become officials, and enlighten and train the ones that already are.
There were five options on offer;
- Communications
- Scrutineering
- Fire & Rescue
- Standard Operating Procedures / Critical Incident Protocols
All aspects of communications at a race track were covered. Radio, Flags, written reports, hand signals and of course verbal. 45 attended this course which was mainly delivered by Tony Thorne, but certainly he did have lots of assistance with flag waving demonstrations and how to use a radio properly. It certainly was not all serious and many one liners were being thrown around the room.
Elaine & Nick Nikiforoff along with David Healy, kept everyone entertained with all the latest updates on all things scrutineering for 2020 in the morning, and a practical demonstration down in the Scrutineering Bay on a Porsche racing car in the afternoon. Nick also managed to lay out lots of bits and pieces for a written quiz during the day. A huge thank you should go to Peter Boylan and Wayne Jones for delivering the car and making it available to us. 23 joined in the fun for this one.
Fire & Rescue
I think of all of them though, Fire & Rescue would have been the most fun. 9 great officials turned up for this one, and they got to SET A CAR ON FIRE!!!!! then put out the fire, but then…..cut the thing up! How much fun would that have been?
Standard Operating Procedures / Critical Incident Protocols
These very serious subjects were left in the very capable hands of Steve Preece. Steve is often our Clerk of Course for our race meetings, but also continues to hold senior positions both at Bathurst 1000 and of course the AGP F1. He has the ability to handle this very delicate subject with his legendary dark humour, but certainly delivers the message and the content very very well. If you have ever been in Race Control at a race meeting, you will understand and appreciate it is par for the course to have a dark sense of humour. There were 52 sitting in the room, and sometimes it was filled with laughter, and sometimes you could hear a pin drop. Like I say, just like Race Control.
This is what we run to try and show everyone just how easy, and how much fun it can be, to become a Motorsport Official here at SMSP for ARDC.
We had 12 sign up, but only 5 managed to actually make it this time. They got to listen to lots of Senior Officials who droped in to give them some info on their respective areas of expertise, but mainly were informed, and entertained, by Stewart Curtis and Steven McLeod. Both Stewart and Steven are our Chief Flag Marshals for our events here at The Park.
In the last few years there must have been approx. 80 – 100 that have gone through this programme, and we are very glad to say that we have a pretty good strike rate on keeping them.
All of the presenters are members of the ARDC, as are most of the officials.
They are also part of the most professional team of motorsport officials in Australia.
This is evident when you watch telecasts of major sporting events and you see them on show, or simply when you come down and Play @ Our Park.
WE are all part of the larger team that makes the events the great success that they are!
Why don’t YOU come and join us?
– Doreen Butchers, ARDC Race Operations Manager.

Why be a Race Official
The ARDC is the heart and soul of Australian Motorsport – and without our volunteer officials, our ability to deliver this bold proposition would not be possible.
Australian Motorsport relies on an army of volunteers, and at Sydney Motorsport Park we welcome volunteers and race officials for every event run by the ARDC: fire and rescue marshals, recovery marshals, grid and pre-grid marshals, pit lane marshals, race control administrators, scrutineers, timekeepers, flag marshals and other key roles. It’s the best thing next to competing, meet your motorsport heroes, and spend your weekends with fellow enthusiasts who share your interest in motorsport.
Becoming a CAMS-accredited official or volunteer is the best way of getting involved, and we try here at ARDC to make that as simple and streamlined a process as possible. We assist CAMS with Training Courses, and we are always on hand with our own training, upskilling and mentoring.
It is also a great social activity: we have barbeques at our race meetings and get-togethers outside of the race weekends, plus incentive programmes and point scores to make sure that every one of our officials is ‘engaged’ in the group, and definitely feels like they are an important part of something bigger than themselves.
In becoming an official, you have the capacity to learn and grow with the possibility of going interstate or even overseas to participate in other exciting events. The sky really is the limit.
Want to reach out to likeminded volunteers and officials, get free training, and start your Race Official career? SUBSCRIBE HERE or call the ARDC on (02) 9672 1000 and ask us how!
What IS a Race Official (FAQs)?
What is a Race Official? What do they do? Who can become a Race Official? Read on for all the answers…
I think I’d like to be an official… Can I get a taste of what’s involved?
Sure – try one of our ARDC Startline Days – a FREE information day for aspiring competitors and officials, which takes place behind the scenes at one of our ARDC race meetings (ie. NSW Motor Race Championship, ARDC Supersprint).
I want to be an official! Do I need any kind of licence or accreditation?
Yes you do. The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS), is the regulatory body for motor sport in Australia. They provide licences and accreditation for motor sport officials. There are many types of licences depending on your particular area of interest, and many levels depending on your skill set and experience.
How do I get a CAMS Officials Licence?
You need to apply for a CAMS Trainee Licence
Bring the form along to your first event.
How much will it cost for the licence and the training?
Obtaining a CAMS Officials Licence does not incur any cost, neither does any of the training that is made available to you.
What will I be doing?
There are many areas and positions that as a motor sport official you could be participating in. We here at ARDC have a STARTLINE Program that can explain all the options that are open to you, or you can to to the CAMS website and check out the options there.
How long do I have to be ‘on duty’
Most events are Saturday and or Sunday. You can choose what days you would like to attend, and yes they can be easily changed if your circumstances change. You do not have to attend both days, it is your choice, but most officials love it so much the come both days. Sign-on begins at 7am and cars on track normally at 9am each day. Most racing days conclude around the 4.30-5pm mark, but some special events can vary their times.
Will I get food and drink while I’m there?
We here at ARDC do provide coffee/tea at breakfast, with the ever popular mini muffins making an appearance. We provide you with lunch in an esky bag, and try to keep you hydrated all day with plenty of water. Of course, if you would like to bring extra nibbles to munch on throughout the day, you certainly can do that. We also have a great BBQ after the event, or on the Saturday night if a two-day event, to say thanks and enable you to hang around with your mates to have a beer a wine, or just a nice cold soft drink and chat about the day.
How do I gain entry to the events?
When you register your availability with us, a season hard card is issued to you. You will also receive a Guest card so that you can bring a friend along to the events. They obviously cannot work with you on the day, but they can come and enjoy the event.
Where do I park? Is my car in the public area while I am on duty?
Our officials always enjoy a specific safe parking area as close to the sign-on areas as we can get them. You will also be given an official car pass which you stick on your windscreen to make sure you get into the events and the special parking area smoothly and quickly.
Do I have to wear anything in particular?
The only thing we ask to start with, is that you are covered from wrist to neck to ankles in something like jeans and a flame retardant top that does not clash with a flag colour. Once you have been with us for a few meetings and have decided this really is for you, we do have official shirts that we distribute from time to time to our officials. It does depend on what area you choose to be in as to what you need to wear – please ask us!
Will I be left on my own from the beginning?
No, of course not. We make sure that we set you up with a ‘buddy’ who will help you get through your first few times as an official. Officials tend to like to help ‘newbies’ as they very clearly all remember their own first experiences. We all look after each other. We have to; this is a dangerous sport and that fact cannot be forgotten.
How much does being an official pay?
Being a motorsport official does not ‘pay’ any monetary wage. But it does give you:
o the opportunity to get into motorsport events for free
o be up close and personal to the action
o be an integral part of something much bigger than just the individual
o lifetime friendships with fellow ‘motor sport tragics’
o more fun and good times than you can ever imagine!
Where do I sign up!
Go to our ARDC Officials Portal
Register a Profile
Register your availability.
It’s that easy! Emails will be sent to you after you submit each of the above confirming your action.
ARDC Officials Pointscore
Updated 2020 Scores coming soon!
These incentive programs and point scores ensure that every one of our officials is ‘engaged’ and feels like they are an important part of something bigger than themselves.
Benefits of an ARDC Race Official Membership
As a special way of saying thank you and recognising the invaluable efforts of our Race Officials, the ARDC introduced a special Race Officials Membership tier.
As a Race Official Member, you receive all the great benefits that an Enthusiast Member receives such as:
ARDC RACE OFFICIAL MEMBERS receive all the benefits of an Enthusiast Membership plus some special “officials only” benefits such as:
•Thank you events
•Officials Cocktail Party
•Officials Christmas Party
•Official clothing
•Official point score (with a cash prize!)
•Milestone Recognition Program
The cost of this Membership is $50 – but free ARDC Race Official Membership is on offer to those who work a minimum number of events in a calendar year as a way to say thank you.
To be eligible for this special Race Officials Membership you will need to contact the ARDC to request an Availability Form… please call us on (02) 9672 1000 or email reception@ardc.com.au today!
Click HERE to log in or join up as a Race Official and enjoy a world of benefits